Information on the markup language used (X) Html
The & nbsp; internet portal & nbsp; & nbsp; is written in & nbsp; XHTML 1.1
Some parts of the portal are dynamically generated by taking data from databases and processing them with the & nbsp; ASP.Net language. Some pages may therefore not exactly conform to the & nbsp; XHTML 1.1 Strict standard. If this happens, & nbsp; please report it .
Thanks for your cooperation.
Information on the graphic textual aspect of the portal
The appearance of the & nbsp; portal & nbsp; is achieved through the use of & nbsp; Css & nbsp; & nbsp; version 2 . This allows full separation between the contents and the graphics of the portal, allowing full accessibility to the site to any type of user with any type of browser, including unconventional ones (browsers for the blind, text browsers, mobile browsers), and the reduction of the weight of the pages, so as to guarantee full consultation of the site even for users without a fast internet connection (ADSL type).
Older browsers (for example Netscape Navigator 4.x) are unable to correctly interpret the & nbsp; Css & nbsp; used. This makes the portal layout appear less pleasant, but it will always be possible to browse and use the web portal. To check the compliance of the & nbsp; Css & nbsp; used with the standards you can use the & nbsp; W3C online validator .
Accessibility level information
The general accessibility of the & nbsp; portal & nbsp; can be evaluated as & nbsp; priority levels (AA) & nbsp; established by the website accessibility guidelines ( Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 ), produced by the & nbsp; W3C & nbsp; - & nbsp; WAI & nbsp; group and by the Italian Government ( consult the text of the law ). This compliance is not completely verifiable, nor has it been certified by the & nbsp; W3C, but has been evaluated with the help of automatic validators such as & nbsp; Watchfire WebXACT & nbsp; (Bobby), & nbsp; Torquemada .
The & nbsp; contents of the portal & nbsp; are visible with all devices for internet access and with almost all browsers (tests done with & nbsp; IE5.0, IE5.5, IE6 , IE7, & nbsp; NN6, NN7.0, Mozilla, Firefox, Opera, Lynx ), some older version browsers may not correctly display the appearance of the portal due to poor compatibility with & nbsp style sheets ; Css & nbsp; 2.0, & nbsp; in this case & nbsp; text navigation is guaranteed.
Finally, a page has been provided where you can find & nbsp; navigation aid & nbsp; (accesskey, customization of the appearance of the portal etc.).